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ALT kant - Join the ALT side: Rosas de Saron - O sol da Meia Noite


ALT kant

sábado, 24 de março de 2012

Rosas de Saron - O sol da Meia Noite

Roses of Saron - The Midnight Sun

It is strange and difficult
Tell me everything is fine?
If anything,
So come to understand
How only you
You can take a simple step at a time

The midnight sun
Here it exists you
Think, stop and see that love endures
Look, taste, feel, touch

It is God who makes you understand all poetry
And life becomes more valuable
And proof that we still can be happy
Just answer who calls

And notice
Only he can understand the inside
And their pain away, make your dream, make your life
Just that you understand

What is God who makes you understand all poetry
And life becomes more valuable
And proof that we still can be happy
Just answer the caller

And ask that this night He will touch and heal all wounds
And watch sleep wake up and wait
Tomorrow is another day

Amanhã (Amanhã)...
Amanhã (Amanhã)! A domani, À demain, Amanhã, Mañana, Morgen, Tomorrow!

What is God who makes you understand all poetry
And life becomes more valuable
And proof that we still can be happy
Just answer the caller

And ask that this night He will touch and heal all wounds
And watch sleep wake up and wait
Tomorrow is another day

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